We would be willing to bet if you have a Gemini your life, you know their birthday is coming up. Gemini’s are notoriously big talkers and don’t seem to run out of words to say. There’s no way we could miss their big day. Getting them a gift that says “I hear you” is important to them, and we’re here to help.
This gift guide was created with both twins in mind (Gemini's symbol are twins with warring personalities) and won’t fail to recognize all of their personality quirks. Their brains are always working, and are known to be knowledge-seekers. But don’t think that they’re just brainy, Gemini’s have a social side too! From trivia games where they can show off their fast-facts to a portable speaker that brings the party wherever they go, these gifts were put together with your intelligent Gemini in mind.
The best part, these gifts are Tokki Tested. Check out what that means.

Masterclass Subscription
Masterclass ads have been everywhere recently, and we’ve been loving them. Having the ability to see successful people in a variety of fields describe their experiences and teach us valuable lessons—from the comfort of our own homes—seems too good to be true!
They have classes teaching you about anything from cooking to entrepreneurship. Anna Wintour's class is particularly empowering! This is a great way for your Gemini to learn something new, and they have the freedom to decide what that might be.
Trivia Game
The title of this game is all too fitting because we’ve all certainly called our Gemini friends by that name. This game gives them the chance to embrace the title, and show off their competitive and brainy side. It also allows them to explore their social side. They love being the one with a game for everyone to play!
Portable Speaker
Speaking of their social side, a portable speaker is a great gift for the social Gemini! Many Gemini’s like to entertain, so having something playing in the background of their dinner party or backyard barbecue is essential. This rose color from JBL is waterproof and portable, perfect for spring-time jam sessions.
DIY Reversible Throw Pillow
Remember those twins we mentioned? Many Gemini's suffer from decision fatigue because they want to try everything at once! This DIY reversible throw pillow is a great option to make yourself, and they can have two styles to choose from when they’re having trouble deciding—no commitment necessary.
Choose fabrics that represent your Gemini and they’ll appreciate your attention to detail. Follow this handy video for instructions!
Conversation Starter Game
Typically, Gemini’s don’t need much help in the conversation department. But coming up with something new to say can be hard sometimes! Especially during these times, it’s easy to get in a conversation rut. This Table Topics “What would you do” edition is a great way to spark new ideas and get the conversation flowing.
Literary Cocktail Book
Gemini’s constant search for knowledge doesn't have to be serious all the time, and getting them a book that both teaches them something new and gives them a fun activity to do with friends is the best of both worlds.
Tequila Mockingbird is practically Gemini in a book. It features 65 cocktail recipes that are paired with hilarious commentary on some literary classics.
New York Times Subscription

Jane's Pick
Jane Park, CEO and Founder of Tokki
“Now more than ever, supporting journalism is so important for democracy. I restarted my New York Times subscription recently, and I love giving subscriptions as gifts too! I get the Sunday NYT in paper form, and I find myself gravitating to a broader range of articles than I do when I’m just online. I also reuse it as gift wrap afterwards with a Tokki band, so that’s a huge plus. Every day is so much the same these days, getting a Sunday paper at my doorstep helps make that day more special. There’s nothing like strong coffee, a great bagel and the Sunday New York Times.”
Be Kind/Fuck Off Necklace
Do these phrases sound familiar? You might have heard them from a Gemini friend of yours. With a brain that doesn’t shut off, sometimes they need some space to be moody. Gemini's know how to ask for what they want, and when they need space they’ll let you know. This necklace says it for them!
Unique Fitness Classes
Experiences are huge for this sign, and experiencing something together is an invaluable gift. They get to learn something new and be around people, a win-win. Even though we can’t go to exercise classes in-person right now, that doesn’t have to stop us from exploring some unique online options.
We were browsing new workouts and came across Hula Fit—and yes, it’s just as cool as it sounds. Buy them a hula hoop, turn on one of their core-burning workouts, and have some fun!
World Food Discovery Subscription
One of the best qualities of this sign is their open-mindedness. This openness to new experiences is something we admire, and the Try The World subscription box is a great gift to allow them to try new things from home. They send a selection of items each month from around the world, how cool is that?
Psychology Book
Gemini’s are considered an air sign, which is what connects them to the brain. They are knowledge seekers and love to understand more about themselves and the world around them.
Psychology is a particularly interesting topic for many Geminis. This book by Daniel Kahneman explores the mind and explains the two systems that define the way we think. A very interesting read!
Tokki Candle
This deep connection with their brain can leave Gemini’s suck in a web of their own thoughts. It’s easy for them to get caught up overthinking the little things, and lighting a candle after a long day can put the mind at ease. This “Breathing in and breathing out” candle from our quarantine collection reminds us that “the now” is the only time that matters, and Gemini’s can use this reminder once in a while.
Twins Zodiac Necklace
A lot of zodiac jewelry can be considered gimmicky—it all starts to look the same at some point. Unlike this necklace! This Gemini piece from Maje is unique and showcases the symbol of the twins beautifully. It’s a lovely tribute to their sign and something they can keep with them always.
Tokki Gift Wrap | The Eco-Conscious Companion for Every Gift
Whatever Gemini you have in your life, Tokki wraps, bands, and bows help you celebrate them in the best way possible. Choose the limited-edition wrap that celebrates that amazing person, and don’t forget to include a custom digital message to commemorate your special day. For every Tokki that gets gifted or re-gifted, we plant a tree to celebrate. Learn more at www.tokki.com.
Further Reading
Birthday Gifts for The Aries in Your Life | Perfect Gifts for the Firey Zodiac Sign
Ultimate Gift Guide for High School Graduates | Let’s Celebrate the Class of 2020
Birthday Gifts for Her: The Perfect Gift for Every Age 20-60+

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