Tokki was founded on the belief that small changes in our daily lives can make a big impact. That’s why we’re embracing #PlasticFreeJuly!
This movement took root in 2011, when a group of change-makers decided to go plastic free for one month and shared about it on social media. The movement spread quickly, and the group became a nonprofit called the Plastic Free Foundation in 2017. Their goal is to eliminate single-use plastic waste from the world, and we couldn’t be more on board.
Our gift bags are not only reusable (so you don’t have to keep buying new gift wrap) but they’re also made with 100% post-consumer recycled PET. That means some really smart person figured out how to take a bunch of old water bottles, milk jugs, and TV dinner trays to make it into the high-quality material our bags are made out of!
During the month of #PlasticFreeJuly, our team has been making small changes in their daily lives to reduce their single-use plastics.
Angie, our President, is choosing to swap her bottled detergent with sheets! That’s right, they’ve made detergent in sheet-form that come in a recyclable box. And it makes your clothes smell absolutely delicious (while being kind to the earth). We love the brand ECOS because they’re effective and smell good!
Megan, our Head of Marketing, is aiming to reduce her and her family’s consumption of goods packaged in multilayered plastic. These are things like individual Goldfish bags, applesauce pouches, granola bar wrappers, etc. Instead, she plans on buying more in bulk and using reusable containers like these from Stasher!
Jane, Tokki’s founder and CEO, is swapping her plastic garbage bags for this biodegradable option! HoldOn is a new brand that makes durable, 100% compostable bags. These bags will biodegrade right next to your banana peels, no landfill for them!
She’s also choosing to make her signature sparkly water at home, instead of buying plastic bottles or even more metal cans. We like DrinkMate, who claims you can save up to 500 plastic bottles from making your own carbonated water every year!
Jane recently made an appearance on local Seattle News station, King 5, to talk about some reusable bag options out there so we can all participate in Plastic Free July. You can watch the segment HERE.
She mentioned Rewilder, a brand that uses salvaged textiles from landfills to make reusable bags, totes, and backpacks. They’re stylish, durable, and better for the environment—so we call that a YES. She also mentions Vintage Addiction, which makes their bags out of recycled military tents. Creative, right?!
When it comes to shopping bags, Jane shared that many of the reusable totes out there aren’t all that great for the earth. Many are made from cotton, which is extremely carbon intensive to produce, giving it a large carbon footprint in comparison to reusable bags made of other materials. She shared that bags made from burlap are a great alternative, as the material is actually carbon absorbing, and it is even compostable.
And if you have something to celebrate coming up, Tokki has you covered with gift bags that are endlessly reusable and made with recycled plastic! They even come with a QR code that acts as a greeting card—you just scan it to create a custom card with your own photos and videos! No need for an additional greeting card, tissue paper, or ribbon.
Feeling inspired? We encourage you to share your #PlasticFreeJuly intentions with us! Follow us on instagram @tokkigifting and let us know what swaps you’ll be making this year 🥳